After sucha long time without real blogging, I think it will be a good time to do a quick review of the digital tools I use on daily\weekly basis. Tools that makes life, a little more easy or fun:
- Netflix - Netflix is still my first choice for movies, especially for the ones I want to see on Blu-Ray. Still, since Hulu went live and you can basically see any TV you want on demand, I got to admit that my movies consumption went down.
- Twitter - No doubt the new rising star in my digital life. I never really had the time to play with it, but two wonderful applications made the use of twitter so easy and fun. Check out Twinkle for your hacked iPhone and Twhirl for your mac/pc.
I would even go far and say that Twitter became almost a Facebook replacement for me. - Amazon Prime - I still do 90% of my shopping just on Amazon.
- Hulu - No doubt Hulu became the first place I go to for all my TV needs. Not too many people noticed, but it actually has also a nice selection of old and cult movies.
- Snurl - if you blog/twitt a lot, you will love this small tool that shorten all the big and ugly URLs. There are many other services like this, but as this one is integrated into Twhirl I chose it.
- Safari - OK. For years I claimed that IE is better and a lot of the time faster. I was wrong. For many Ajax intensive sites, Safari performs much better. The built in spell checker, the great auto complete forms and bookmarklet capability is just a bonus.
- Netvibes - For a long time I tried to avoid start pages. But on Safari, Netvibes load time is really fast and I started to find it as a easy tool to get a quick look across social networks and blogs.
- Fring - Best kick ass iPhone application ever. Allows you to have a skype/messenger running in your iPhone while you are using other applications.
- iPhone - With the addition of Fring and Twinkle, suddenly the iPhone became a real social tool. My thoughts about replacing it are long gone. Now all is left is to wait for the 3G version